So What Profitable Internet Business Opportunities Are Open To YOU As A Beginner And As A Nigerian?


This is exactly what we are going to show you right now. For your information, we've ACTIVELY been on the Internet now for more than 2 consecutive years and have acquired lots of hands on experience (not when we started checking our email like you damn it!). And after using ourselves as a 'live laboratory' to test several of the 'Online Jobs' out there. We simply found that several of them are outright scams, some of them legitimate but with little or no profit potential, others too advanced and complicated for beginners. Or simply unsuitable for people who do not live in the United States, Europe or other more developed countries.

However, we did find a few opportunities that are:
1.     Very suitable for Nigerians.
2.     Easy to engage in and make money from.
3.     Very profitable, and
4.     Absolutely simple to run.

Sounds too good to be true right? Well, lucky for you, it's true.

Let’s Introduce you to Datablue Multiple Streams of Internet Income Program (MSIIP): The Fastest Money-Making Internet Business Opportunities Guaranteed To Skyrocket Your Profit Today! You Can Start earning serious Money in Nigeria - Beginning Today!

As you can see, we've already taken all the risk of discovering these things on your behalf, all you have to do is profit & benefit from our years of hands-on Internet experience...while avoiding several of the costly mistakes that we made.

Below are some highly profitable Internet Business Opportunities you can begin making money from in Nigeria immediately:

For full details regarding the business opportunity we are about to introduce to you is found in the free guide you will download on our website at

These are some business opportunities you can successfully start and run here in Nigeria and make cool money, these businesses are risk free and fraud free.

1.) Income Opportunity #1: Google AdWords/Affiliate Marketing:
"Start earning money in 1 hour 15 minutes flat!"
This is unarguably the world's fastest, easiest and cheapest business to start. It is so cheap that you can start it with less than $25 (N3,000+), so

profitable that some people earn more than $1 million dollars from it annually, and so fast that you can begin earning money from it in less than 1 hour! And the earning potential keeps increasing daily. You do not need to own a product, service or website of your own and about 2 hrs of browsing a week would be enough for you.

Here's How It Works:

Affiliate Programs: More than 350 million times daily, people from all over the world use to search for products and services they want to purchase online. More than 90% of these people have credit cards or other means for online payment (e.g. PayPal). At 350 million searches daily, you will agree with me that gets lots of visitors.

Affiliate programs involve your partnering with different websites on the Internet which have items for sale. These items could be phones, books, e-Books, furniture, electronics, cars, jewelries, web-hosting, bags, boats - you name it!
Forming a partnership like this is very simple. It only involves your filling out a form - just as if you are opening a new email account!

Now, since lots of people are already searching for lots and lots of different products and services to purchase. You simply partner with any website/company which their products are in demand and then place adverts on for them. For each sale you help any website/company you partner with, they pay you a commission (a percentage).

These adverts you place on Google are called Google AdWords. They appear to the right of your search results. If you have used Google to search for anything before, you must have seen the AdWords adverts placed by other people.

On the average, commissions are about $30 (depending on the product). You can easily earn more than $500 daily from doing just this. Don't worry if you do not completely understand it right now, it's really very simple and I will make it clearer for you.
Google AdWords: They are those little text boxes that appear to the right of your search results on It is a very efficient advertising system developed by Google. It costs you only $5 dollars to register and you are charged only when someone clicks on your advert. The minimum cost per click is about $0.05 (5 cents).

How do they know the sale was made through my advert?
Whenever you choose an affiliate product to promote from an Affiliate Network such as ClickBank, FastSpring or Plimus you are given a unique tracking code which is used to know whenever someone buys through your advert. And whenever someone does, the sale is unfailingly credited to you. In all cases, a "cookie" (small computer program) is placed on the persons computer so that you are still credited with the sale if the person comes back to buy, say within the next 6 months! *Note: doesn't accept registrations from Nigeria.

Affiliate Networks are huge directories of Affiliate Products and services you can begin advertising on today. My best Affiliate Network is because they specialize only in digital downloadable products such as ebooks, music, sofwares, etc. I prefer promoting digital downloadable products in place of tangibles like Cell Phones, Plasma TV's, Toys, Cars, etc because digital products sell like hot cakes! Their prices are mostly not expensive and additionally people are mostly on the Internet for information, hence people buy them more.

Furthermore, you could earn as much as 75% commissions on each sale you bring in. Note that the owners of tangible products like cars, watches, etc cannot afford to pay you as much as 75% commissions - that's why ClickBank is my favourite. sends out commission checks on the 15th of every month. To sign up for Google AdWords costs only $5 and is free to join. We'll get back to this. (More Info Can Be Found On Our Free Guide).

2.) Income Opportunity # 2: Selling Information; Info Products/Digital Publishing.

"Create or buy an Information product once and then Sell Or Resell it a million times!"

"There are several thousands upon thousands of Ebooks & Software With FULL Resell-Rights* flying all over the net"

*A Book Or Software with Resell-Rights means that the producer/creator legally permits you to resell it as if it is your own.

If this title doesn't impress you, I think you should think again. Mankind is presently at the most advanced stage they have ever seen...and interestingly, it has been called the INFORMATION AGE!

Why do you think powerful companies like Microsoft were able to get so big? Microsoft's market capitalization is valued at about USD $200 billion and they once crossed the $500 billion mark!

Now listen carefully, Microsoft produces a software ONCE and then copies it into as many CD's as their machines can burn. A good empty CD sells for about N250 but when it has Microsoft software inside, it skyrockets to more than N30,000! Yes, if you're surprised, I guess you've been patronizing pirated Microsoft software.

Additionally, before you can add a few other basic programs to your computer, the total cost would be close to a hundred thousand naira! If you can understand this very concept that I am driving at, you can truly have the world in your very pocket because it is the very secret behind the most successful businesses in the world. Literarily selling thin-air!

"Publish any type of book with Zero Naira Cost - then make a killing of 100% profits selling it online!"

That was for Microsoft, now how does this fabulous concept affect you? Good. You are aware that if someone wants to publish a book, that they first go through a lot of tiring hassles.

Gone are the days when you'll have to go through a 100 publishers, dozens of editors and then raise huge funds just because you want to get your book in print. Now you can publish a book of more than a thousand pages without spending a dime. And with one of such books online you could be making a fortune.

So what can you write about?

Absolutely anything! You can write on any area where you have specialized knowledge. By specialized knowledge WE do not mean the latest object astronauts dug up from the moon! There is certainly some knowledge you have that is unique to you which someone else can benefit from. It could be your knowledge in:

--- GSM Repairs
--- Carpentry
--- A text book
--- Remarkable Text Messages
--- Cooking/Recipes
--- Restaurant Management

--- Events Management
--- Fish Farming
--- Poultry farming
--- How to secure a visa easily
--- Investing in the Nigerian stock market
--- A Novel
--- Marriage Counseling
--- Video Gaming
--- FOREX Trading
--- Dating
--- Video Gaming

You get it!? ANYTHING, whatever you are knowledgeable in. You'll be pleasantly surprised when you find out the number of people online who are willing to pay for the information and knowledge you have. Now do the figures. If you sell this your e-book which cost you nothing to publish, besides what it cost you to acquire the knowledge, for N5,000. If you end up selling just 500 copies every month; you tell me - how much money would you have made? You can figure that out for yourself!

"You do not need to write your own book! Just Buy one with Resell-Rights!"
Finally, you do not have to write a book yourself in order to make money from selling information Online. There are thousands of written materials already out there with full RESELL RIGHTS. A product or material with resell rights means that you can sell the material to other people without it being illegal to do so - as if you actually wrote it!

You've Not Seen Anything Yet!
Hey, this is just a tip of the iceberg. The above are just SHORT OVERVIEWS of some Internet business opportunities you can easily begin in Nigeria today. And as we said earlier, there are more of these opportunities that you can benefit from. More can be found at

We have compiled a Comprehensive GUIDE for YOU on some very lucrative Internet Income Opportunities. This GUIDE is titled: “DMISL FREE GUIDE”. With it, it's just as if you’re being led by the hand. It's so comprehensive that nothing is left out and so simple to understand that even a total dummy will find it as easy as ABC.(we will set it up for you to start making money from these lucrative business opportunities).

There's simply no way you won't make money from these Online businesses!


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